Since the election of the new council of employees in 2024, it is mandatory for the employer to present and discuss with the board of directors an overview of the male-to-female ratio during the social elections. This article will provide you with the necessary information and a sample form to fill out.

Composition of the council and the prevention committee:

The overview should cover the composition of both the council of employees and the committee for the prevention and protection at work. The information provided should include the following:

  • The number of male and female candidates and elected officials, as well as the total number of male and female employees in the company;
  • The ratio of women to men in the delegation of the employer, compared to the number of women and men in the company's management personnel.

You will find sample forms amd templates in our template library under document ID 26 and 27.

To fill out this form, the employer can use the statistical data provided in the Social Elections 2024 application. The form includes the following information:

  • Male-to-female ratio for the council and the prevention committee;
  • Male-to-female ratio for CE positions.

By presenting this overview, the employer can demonstrate its commitment to gender equality and transparency in the election process. The form provides a convenient way to collect and analyze the data, making it easier for the board of directors to make informed decisions.


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