We have compiled below the frequently asked questions that voters in the elections for the Assembly of Representatives and the Board might have. Refer to your electoral summons for more details.
What are the voting dates?
The online elections will take place from March 17 to March 31, 2025.
How do I vote?
To vote online, you will need:
- your voter number
- an itsme account or similar
If you do not have a way to identify yourself with your ID card or do not have an itsme account, please contact the members of the electoral board.
If your national number is not known to the Commission of Psychologists, the voting platform will not allow you to vote without first contacting the electoral board members.
Once you have the necessary information, you can vote on the dedicated online voting platform, the address of which is indicated on your summons.
What is the purpose of the vote?
The elections aim to elect the Assembly of Representatives of the Commission of Psychologists, which serves as the central body of the institution for the next four years.
How do I know if I’ve already voted?
Log in to the ONLZ application. You will then be able to check whether your vote has already been submitted and recorded.
How many times can I vote?
If you are invited to participate in the election, you can only vote once for a single section. Once you have submitted your vote, it is no longer possible to vote again or modify your vote.
How many candidates can I select?
One candidate for the school, research, and work and organization sections; three for the clinical section.
Who is responsible for the voting process?
For these elections, the organization of the vote is managed by the Commission of Psychologists, with support from Bourdeaud’hui Philippe’s office.
How do I vote after the voting period closes?
At the scheduled time, the president of the electoral board closes the electronic ballot box. After this step, voters can no longer start voting. If you began voting before the closure, you can still submit your ballot within 10 minutes. After that, if your ballot was not recorded, you can no longer vote. However, if you saw a confirmation message on your screen after voting, it means your vote was successfully recorded.
How much time do I have to vote?
As much time as you need before the voting closes. However, for security reasons, if you take no action for 3 minutes while selecting candidates, your session will be reset, and you will need to restart the voting process. Clicking on a candidate or changing a selection counts as an action.
What is the link to vote for the 2025 Commission of Psychologists’ Assembly of Representatives elections?
The address to use is https://compsy.onlz.com. Make sure to use the https protocol, not http.
Can I know the results during the election?
No, it is completely impossible to know the contents of the ballots before the final closure of the ballot box and the subsequent decoding of the votes.
This translation maintains the structure and content of the original Markdown file while converting all text into English. Note that some minor typographical errors in the original (e.g., "pu que" instead of "puisque" or "comopte" instead of "compte") have been corrected for clarity in the English version. The commented-out section about voter turnout has been left as-is, translated but still commented out.