Social elections
We are doing our utmost to ensure a trustworthy electronic vote for your social elections in 2024. The purpose of these elections is to elect staff representatives for the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work and/or the Works Council.
We run your Belgian social elections online, securely and anonymously
We are one of the applications registered at Federal Public Service : Employment Labour and Social Dialogue for Belgian social elections.
Our goal is to support democracy in every companies. We are aiming to provide the best voting tool to ensure that all employees can participate to the social elections : Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work (CPPW or CPPT) and/or the Works Council (WC or CE)
We equip all type of organisations with outstanding digital experiences for staff representatives elections.
Works council as well as Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work elections can be ran wihtout your IT service involvment using our approved evoting solution.
We remove the stress from your HR team buy providing the right tools and guidance to make the social elections a hassle-free period.
Perfect Software, Great Support
Beign able to count on the proper partner is key during this specific period, that is quite demanding for your HR team.
- Trainings for polling station committee members
- Information sessions for the staff representatives and candidates
- Technical support during the vote (2nd line support)
- Direct access to our consultants during the preparation phase for your election organiser

Get a full package to ensure your employees can vote online
Ask for a quoteReliable solution
- Simple and user friendly
- Authorised by SPF employment
- Anonym
- Secured
For Belgian organisations
- Fully configured for social elections
- for Companies, NGOs, Associations, Fondations
- In Dutch, French, German and English
- Supported by a team based in Brussels
We collected some of the most frequent questions that you might have, and provide an answer to each of them for your convenience.
- Is remote voting safe?
Yes. Remote voting solutions may facilitate the participation in elections by specific groups of voters. Interest in Internet voting is high.
The architecture we use (distributed data storage accros several of locations, asymetric encryption usinbg public and private keys, multisignatures, and ring signatures) makes our approach secure, auditable, safe for private elections.
- What are the benefits of electronic voting systems ?
The Voting process is faster transparent and cost efficient. At lot of costs are reduced to a minimum, like administrative costs associated with postal correspondence, verification of signatures, counting of votes and costs associated for storing physical ballot papers.
The voting results can be declared within few minutes after the close of the voting. Count of votes will be accurate.
- How much do you charge?
Each customer is different and has different needs, even if they all have to stick to the same rules. We will be happy to provide a quote if you communicate to us some keys elements : the number of colleges, an estimation of the number of the voters, the dates .... We will get back to you a soon as possible.
- Can electronic voting be used in parallel with physical voting, like correspondance voting?
Yes. We can activate an hybrid mode for you to allow users who didn't vote online yet to cast a ballot. The president first check if the invitation code has not been used, desativate it permanently, and allow the voter to cast a physical ballot. During vote count, physical ballots should be counted first, then added to the electronic report by the president and the secretary, while assessors are ensuring transparency of the process.
- Where are you based?
We are located in Brussels Region, next to the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Belgian Federal Parliament (Chamber of Representatives and the Senate), the Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region, the Flemish Parliament ...
Get in touch with ONLZ team to schedule a demo or get a quote
No commitment from your side, no aggressive sales strategies from our side.